Automatic Differentiation¶
In the context of Newton’s method, one must provide a Jacobian matrix that contains the partial derivatives of some function with respect to an iterate
- This presents a developer with a number of undesirable tasks:
- One must derive a differentiated expression of the original function(R) with respect to the iterate(Q); A tedious and error-prone process.
- One must implement the differentiated expressions so they can be used by the solver. A tedious and error-prone process.
- Any time an equation or spatial operator is modified or added, these processes must be repeated and reverified for correctness.
A solution - Automatic Differentiation
Automatic Differentiation means many things because there are many approaches to this topic, but the end goal is that a developer offloads the tasks of deriving and implementing differentiated functions to some other tool, library, or preprocessor. Here, we will discuss the approach taken in ChiDG and how it fits into the framework
DNAD - Dual Number Automatic Differentiation¶
ChiDG uses a tool previously developed by Wenbin Yu and others:
Yu, W. and Blair, M, "DNAD, a Simple Tool for Automatic Differentiation of Fortran Codes Using Dual Numbers"
Spall, R. and Yu, W., "Imbedded Dual-Number Automatic Differentiation for CFD Sensitivity Analysis"
type :: AD_D
real(rk) :: x_ad_ ! function value
real(rk), allocatable :: xp_ad_(:) ! derivatives
end type AD_D
[1]Yu, W. and Blair, M, “DNAD, a Simple Tool for Automatic Differentiation of Fortran Codes Using Dual Numbers”, Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 184, 2013, pp. 1446-1452
[2]Spall, R. and Yu, W., “Imbedded Dual-Number Automatic Differentiation for CFD Sensitivity Analysis”, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol 135, 2013