Getting Started

We need to get a copy of ChiDG up and running on your machine. Let’s do it! The current option we have to do this is to build ChiDG from source on your machine:

Build from source

Step 1: Get ChiDG

ChiDG is hosted on GitHub and may be cloned using the https protocol as

git clone ChiDG

Step 2: Check the compilers

To build ChiDG, you will need a Fortran compiler that is relatively up-to-date. Here are some requirements and recommendations regarding compilers:


  • The GNU Fortran compiler, gfortran, is recommended. Version >= 6.0 is required
  • Do not use the Intel Fortran compiler, ifort. There are currently several bugs in all versions of the compiler that make it unusable. One bug in the compiler creates a bad memory leak in the compiled code. Intel has been notified and was able to reproduce the issue.
  • Other Fortran compilers have not been tested and are not supported.

Step 3: Install the dependencies


Make sure the dependencies listed here are available on your machine or that you build them and install them in an appropriate location.

When installing dependencies, please place them somewhere other than the ChiDG project directory.


ChiDG uses the CMake build-sytem to generate the Makefile configuration files that are used when you run make to build the project. If you do not already have CMake installed on your system, you should be able to download a package/binary from the CMake Website. You will run the cmake executable in Step 4: Configure the build.



Version: >= 1.10
Configure with: --enable-fortran

HDF5 is used as a container for the ChiDG-formatted grid/solution files. The HDF5 library gives the option to build various portions of the library itself, depending on what the user needs available. ChiDG uses the HDF5 Fortran module interfaces and the high-level API. HDF5 documentation and installation guide can be found on HDF5 Website. Be sure to configure with the appropriate flags when building HDF5. You likely need to add the following flags to the configuration:

./configure --enable-fortran

The ChiDG CMake build will try to automatically locate the HDF5 libraries and modules. If the HDF5 libraries were installed in a non-standard location, you can help CMake find them by setting an environment variable, HDF5_ROOT, such that the directory includes the bin, lib, and include directories where the libraries and modules can be located.

So, if you installed HDF5 in the directory /home/sparky/hdf5, you might place the line export HDF5_ROOT=/home/sparky/hdf5 in your .bashrc or .bash_profile files if you are using the Bash shell.


METIS is a partitioning library that is used to facilitate domain decomposition for ChiDG and can be obtained from the METIS Website.

If METIS is installed in a non-standard location and CMake can’t find it, you can help CMake find it by setting an environment variable: METIS_ROOT.

So, if you installed METIS in the directory /home/sparky/metis, you might place the line export METIS_ROOT=/home/sparky/metis in your .bashrc or .bash_profile files if you are using the Bash shell.



ChiDG uses the MPI Fortran 2008 module interfaces. Check that the MPI implementation being used supports and is configured to build these interfaces. OpenMPI v2.0.1 tries to build these by default.

  • MPI should be built with the same compiler that is being used to build ChiDG.
  • Once MPI is built, it is recommended to use the MPI Fortran compiler wrapper mpifort as the compiler for ChiDG in Step 4: Configure the build
  • OpenMPI, Version 2.0.1.
  • Intel MPI : Found bugs in Intel implementation. Do not use.

MPI is used to facilitate the parallel communication in ChiDG. If your MPI installation is in a non-standard location, CMake will not be able to find it and it will tell you so. You may also want to force CMake to use a particular MPI installation if you have multiple installations on your machine. Either way, you can direct CMake find your MPI library by setting the environment variable: MPI_Fortran_COMPILER.

So, if your MPI installation is located in the directory /home/sparky/mpi, you might place the line export MPI_Fortran_COMPILER=/home/sparky/my_mpi_install/bin/mpifort in your .bashrc or .bash_profile files if you are using the Bash shell.


BLAS and LAPACK are libraries that contain routines for standard linear algebra operations and algorithms. There are also many implementations of the BLAS and LAPACK libraries by different vendors. Often times, a particular installation will have been optimized for running on a given machine. Some common implementations of BLAS and LAPACK are the Intel MKL, ATLAS, and the Apple Accelerate Framework.

If you do not have the BLAS and LAPACK libraries installed on your machine, reference implementations can be downloaded at:

These will give the correct answers and can be used to get things up and running, however they are not optimized and so will degrade performance for ChiDG.

If your BLAS/LAPACK installations are in a non-standard location, CMake will not be able to find it and it will tell you so. You can help CMake find them by appending the location of the libraries to the Linker path.


On machines running LINUX:
  • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/my/path/to/blas:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/my/path/to/lapack:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
On machines running Apple’s OS X or macOS operating system:
  • export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/my/path/to/blas:$DYLD_LIBARARY_PATH
  • export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/my/path/to/lapack:$DYLD_LIBARARY_PATH

Step 4: Configure the build


We should probably double-check a few things...

  • Check that all environment variables that were set for the dependencies are initialized in your environment. You may consider opening a new shell or running source ~/.bashrc or source ~/.bash_profile.
Configure steps
#1 Change to the ChiDG root directory cd ChiDG
#2 Create a new build directory mkdir build
#3 Change to the build directory cd build
#4 Configure with CMake + user options cmake .. or cmake -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpifort ..

Regarding configure stage #4, configuration options can be passed when invoking cmake in order to influence the build process. They are passed with the -D flag as:

cmake -DParameter=Option ..

A typical build configure looks like:

cmake -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpifort ..

A developer might configure the build using the following option:

cmake -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpifort -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
Parameter Description Options
CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER Specify a Fortran Compiler mpifort
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Specify what type of compiler settings to build with Release Debug

Step 5: Build ChiDG

Build steps
Run make to build the ChiDG library make or make -j 4

Step 6: Test ChiDG

ChiDG uses pFUnit to support unit and integration testing of the compiled ChiDG library.


Requires web access to retrieve pFUnit source.

Testing steps
Run make check to:
  • download/build pFUnit
  • build ChiDG tests
make check or make check -j 4
Run make test to:
  • run tests on ChiDG
make test


So, how does one actually use ChiDG? The interface for using the ChiDG library is still being designed and changed. One thing to keep in mind, is that the interface provided is just an interface. One could create their own driver interface by linking to the library and compiling an executable. For now, we will just focus on detailing how ChiDG currently gets used.

ChiDG Executable: chidg

When you build and install ChiDG, it builds an executable file. This is simply a driver file(src/interfaces/driver.f90) that uses routines from the ChiDG library. The driver file gets compiled, linked to the ChiDG library, and put in an executable, chidg. The ChiDG executable, chidg, works as:

  • a utility for converting Plot3D grid files
  • a utility for editing boundary conditions in the ChiDG-format HDF file
  • a utility for processing a solution for viewing in Tecplot or Paraview
  • a driver to run ChiDG simulations
chidg convert file.x
  • Convert a Plot3D grid file(example in this case: ‘file.x’) to a ChiDG-formatted HDF5 file.
chidg edit file.h5
  • Edit a ChiDG-formatted HDF5 grid file(example in this case: ‘file.h5’).
chidg post file.h5
  • Post-process a ChiDG-formatted HDF5 grid/solution file.
  • Creates Tecplot/Paraview files for visualization
  • Run a ChiDG simulation
  • Assumes chidg.nml namelist and grid files are present in the working directory

Running ChiDG

Step 1: Create a ChiDG-formatted grid file

To create a ChiDG-formatted grid, generate your grid as a multi-block, unformatted, double-precision Plot3D file. As an example, we will just assume you called this file, awesome_grid.x.

  • Run chidg convert awesome_grid.x to create a ChiDG-formatted grid, awesome_grid.h5.
  • Run chidg edit awesome_grid.h5 and edit the boundary conditions for your grid.

Step 2: Create a chidg.nml input file

  • Download a default chidg.nml and place it in the directory in which you plan to run chidg.

  • Edit the chidg.nml entries as:

    gridfile         = 'awesome_grid.h5'
    solutionfile_in  = 'none'
    solutionfile_out = 'awesome_grid.h5'

Step 3: Run chidg

In the working directory, call the chidg executable:

Serial calculation


Parallel calculation

mpirun -np 3 chidg


Once you get the hang of how the process works, you may consider playing around with the other entries in chidg.nml to understand how they affect the behavior and performance of ChiDG.